Pleqja nuk ishte vetem bjeshke e cila shfrytezohet nga bjeshketare e vizitore per pushime ne stinet e ngrohta, por ka brenda vetes edhe nje vendbanim te lashte joformal I cili mbajti frymen e jetes ne cdo stine deri ne luften e fundit, me shperthimin e se ciles krahas Bellese u dogj dhe u rrenua nga forcat serbe. Pleqja eshte e dyta pas Bellese, e cila tashme ka marre edhe formen ligjore si vendbanim. Ndersa, me ndertimin e rrugeve drejt tyre, komuna e Decanit synon rikthimin e jetes ne keto hapesira,rikthimin e namit te Decanit si nje qytet turistik si dhe vendosjen e tij ne harte si njeri nder desitanconet me te rendesihme turistike te Republikes se Kosoves dhe me gjere.
Pleqja is one of the top Mountains in Kosovo and an ancient informal settlement which kept the breath of life in every season,until the last war, when it was burned and destroyed by the Serbian forces. Pleqja it’s the second place after Belleja, which has also received legal form as village of Decani municipality. Meanwhile, with the construction of the roads this municipality aims to restore life in these areas, to restore the name of Decan as a tourist town, and to place it on the map as one of the most important tourist destinations in the Republic of Kosovo and wide.
Created by© : Ajetë Beqiraj